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raise) a hand

  • 1 raise

    [reiz] 1. verb
    1) (to move or lift to a high(er) position: Raise your right hand; Raise the flag.) []celt
    2) (to make higher: If you paint your flat, that will raise the value of it considerably; We'll raise that wall about 20 centimetres.) celt
    3) (to grow (crops) or breed (animals) for food: We don't raise pigs on this farm.) audzēt
    4) (to rear, bring up (a child): She has raised a large family.) audzināt
    5) (to state (a question, objection etc which one wishes to have discussed): Has anyone in the audience any points they would like to raise?) izvirzīt; ierosināt
    6) (to collect; to gather: We'll try to raise money; The revolutionaries managed to raise a small army.) savākt
    7) (to cause: His remarks raised a laugh.) izraisīt
    8) (to cause to rise or appear: The car raised a cloud of dust.) sacelt
    9) (to build (a monument etc): They've raised a statue of Robert Burns / in memory of Robert Burns.) uzcelt
    10) (to give (a shout etc).) pacelt balsi
    11) (to make contact with by radio: I can't raise the mainland.) nodibināt [] sakarus
    2. noun
    (an increase in wages or salary: I'm going to ask the boss for a raise.) algas pielikums
    - raise hell/Cain / the roof
    - raise someone's spirits
    * * *
    paaugstinājums; celt; pacelt; uzcelt; izvirzīt, ierosināt; paaugstināt; audzēt; audzināt; nokomplektēt; sagādāt; izraisīt; atmodināt; atcelt

    English-Latvian dictionary > raise

  • 2 put up

    1) (to raise (a hand etc).) []celt
    2) (to build; to erect: They're putting up some new houses.) []celt
    3) (to fix on a wall etc: He put the poster up.) izkārt; izlikt (apskatei)
    4) (to increase (a price etc): They're putting up the fees again.) pacelt (cenu)
    5) (to offer or show (resistance etc): He's putting up a brave fight.) izrādīt (pretestību u.tml.)
    6) (to provide (money) for a purpose: He promised to put up the money for the scheme.) sagādāt; nodrošināt
    7) (to provide a bed etc for (a person) in one's home: Can you put us up next Thursday night?) izmitināt

    English-Latvian dictionary > put up

  • 3 salute

    [sə'lu:t] 1. verb
    1) ((especially in the forces) to raise the (usually right) hand to the forehead to show respect: They saluted their commanding officer.) sveicināt; salutēt
    2) (to honour by firing eg large guns: They saluted the Queen by firing one hundred guns.) sveikt ar salūtu
    2. noun
    (an act of saluting: The officer gave a salute; a 21-gun salute.) sveiciens; salūts
    * * *
    sveiciens; salūts; sveicināt; salutēt; sagaidīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > salute

См. также в других словарях:

  • raise a hand to — To hit, or generally treat badly • • • Main Entry: ↑raise …   Useful english dictionary

  • raise a hand — verb a) To raise ones arm and hand. b) To volunteer. Syn: raise ones hand …   Wiktionary

  • raise\ a\ hand — • lift a finger • lift a hand • raise a hand v. phr. 1. To do something; do your share; to help. Usually used in the negative. We all worked hard except Joe. He wouldn t lift a finger. The king did not lift a hand when his people were hungry.… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • raise a hand — do something, do one s share, help Nobody likes him because he will never raise a hand to help his friends …   Idioms and examples

  • raise (your) hand against (someone) — to fight someone. He was horrified when the situation became so bad that one neighbor could raise a hand against another …   New idioms dictionary

  • raise (your) hand against (someone) — raise (your) hand against/to (someone) to hit someone, or to threaten to hit them. I would never raise my hand against a child …   New idioms dictionary

  • raise (your) hand to (someone) — raise (your) hand against/to (someone) to hit someone, or to threaten to hit them. I would never raise my hand against a child …   New idioms dictionary

  • raise your hand against — hit someone, hurt someone    If you ever raise your hand against her, I ll call the police …   English idioms

  • raise a hand — phrasal see lift a hand …   Useful english dictionary

  • raise a hand against somebody — raise a/your ˈhand against/to sb idiom to hit or threaten to hit sb Main entry: ↑raiseidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • raise your hand against somebody — raise a/your ˈhand against/to sb idiom to hit or threaten to hit sb Main entry: ↑raiseidiom …   Useful english dictionary

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